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Fallacies Regarding Online Home Based Businesses

In the course of my home business coaching activities, I have often found that people head into the startup of their online home based businesses with a wildly unrealistic mindset. Many have been told that they can sign up for a few programs, build a website around them, add a bunch of banners and links onto their site, then sit back and watch the money roll in and never have to work again.

There is a misconception that you can come online and set up an Internet based business and be making big money within a few days. This is absolute hogwash and it has not been my experience nor the experience of anyone I have come in contact with through my online business activities.

The harsh reality is that there are more people who fail at their home businesses than there are people who actually succeed.

Newcomers to the world of online home based business are not usually aware that they may actually have to work harder at their home businesses than they did at their traditional jobs. They are typically not aware of the many hours of marketing time that they will need to put in to be successful.

Many people that are new to online marketing also make the mistake of thinking that a single marketing strategy will suffice. Naturally, some avenues will produce better results than others, but I have found the best course of action is to
adopt a broad based approach to your online marketing by spreading your time and resources over several different methods.

If you are new to Internet marketing, you might be well advised to take a course to find out what is required of you to be successful in an online business. It does not matter what type of business you are starting, if it is online, it must be marketed
online, and possibly offline as well.

It always amazes me how frequently people that start an online home based business actually believe that they can get rich by doing absolutely nothing, or at least with very little effort. These are otherwise intelligent people. Why would they believe this? My conclusion is that they believe because they want to believe. They believe because they see claims to this effect everyday and everywhere on the Internet. They are told that it is possible. They not only want to believe it, for their own reasons, but they need to believe it.

In my opinion, you need to give yourself at least a year to make an online business get some traction and start to generate some meaningful income. The proper mindset is to think long term, not instant gratification.

I am always surprised at the number of people who drop out of their online home based business after the first month or two. I ask myself, what do they expect, miracles? You probably wouldn't bail out of offline business after a month so why would you expect an online business to be any different?

Aside from the fallacy of instant riches without any effort, the expectation of a free ride is a frequent misconception of many that think they want to start an online home based business. If you're afraid, or unwilling, to invest a little money to start your own business...you are not looking at a home based business...you are looking at a work at home job. If you want to make money online, you must also be willing to invest in yourself. It's as plain and simple as that.

About the author:
Kirk Bannerman operates his own successful home based business and also coaches others seeking to start their own home based business. For more information visit his website at http://www.business-at-home.us

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What Does It Take to Make Money Online?

What a loaded question! Let’s narrow that down a bit and take it from the perspective of someone who wants to work from home and make money online in a home business. That will make it an easier question to answer. Let’s assume you’ve never had a website, don’t know how to get a merchant account, don’t know html, and are pretty much stuck with being an expert on sending and receiving email.

What’s there for you to do online to make money? Lots, in fact! These days are not at all like a couple of years ago or even six months ago. If I only had all the opportunities to make money online when I started marketing!

Here is a list of things you can do with just a website and a hosting account today:

Sell affiliate products (products like reports, ebooks, hard goods of every conceivable make, model, size, shape and function, and much, much more).

Sell services (do you know how big a business being a Virtual Assistant is these days? It’s quite amazing what you can do for people without ever meeting them face-to-face, anywhere in the world!)

Online auctions (Ebay has made thousands and thousands of people full-time incomes from auctioning collectibles, antiques, and even brand new equipment and gadgets of all imaginable types. You name it, it has been sold on Ebay!)

Membership sites: Know of any groups of people that would love to get insider information on virtually any topic? You could make money online with a membership site!

The list is a long one and one I am not prepared to detail here. You have found your way onto the net and if you have been surfing for very long at all you know it is a gigantic super shopping mall. Who do you think is making the most money online? Aside from big corporations, most of the web is made up of sites put up by little businesses people work from home.

I sell information and I love it. Most of the products I sell are other merchants’ products. I just drive traffic to my site, provide information, and point to relevant products related to the information I provide people looking for a way to make money online. I love helping people make their first few sales.

After that, they are always hooked and cannot do enough to learn everything there is to know about how to make money online. Many people I have worked with now have a couple to several websites selling everything from reports to hard goods that can be shipped direct to their customers. Most people start out to make money online as affiliates of certain products or authors. This is a great way to get your feet wet and learn what making money online is all about. People then either work to create their own products (which they get 100% of the profits from) or expand their website into other related niches.

About the author:
Darrell Knox is a writer and entrepreneur with 15 years of home business and marketing experience.Free Home Business Tips Newsletter at: http://www.cashgroup.biz/biztipspop.html

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Make Money Online Using Keyword Articles

Routing traffic to your web page is incredibly important in order to make money online. However, you probably have noticed that getting your web page noticed and returned as a high ranking result from the search engines is difficult. However, to make money online, there are a couple of tips you can use that will help you increase the traffic to your page.

First, you will need to do a little research to see where your page ranks in a variety of different search engines. When you know this information, you will be able to take action and become better than your competitors whose pages are being returned as higher relevant results. In order to make money online, no matter where you rank in the results, if it is less than number one you have some work to do. So, take a look at all the web pages that are ranked higher than yours and see what these pages have that yours does not. Evaluating your competition will help your Web page become stronger and more competitive, something that is important to your bottom line.

You need to do this kind of research for all the different keywords that pertain most to your Web page and that people search for the most often. You want your web page to rank high in the results for a number of keywords, so be diligent about researching what is other web pages are doing and what you can do to make your page be returned higher in the results.

One great way to improve your web page listing for a variety of keywords and phrases is to use keyword articles on your web page. This will allow you to provide useful information for web surfers as well as include keywords that will help your page get noticed.

When it comes to keyword articles, it is not difficult to write them or have them written. First, you need to have a list of the most popular keywords and phrases people search for, and then write articles that include useful information that states the exact keyword phrase multiple times. When someone searches for that particular term, your page will be returned as a high result as long as you are outdoing your competition. However, when it comes to outdoing your competition regarding keywords and search engine results, make sure you are providing relevant, useful and pertinent information. If you are doing that, when people get to your page they will be more likely to stay.

Finally, if the keyword articles get your web page ranked higher in search engine results as they should, do not feel as if they will stay that way. There is more competition on the Web every day, which means you will have to be diligent about continuously tracking your competition, what they are doing, and where your web page ranks in the search engine results. You may have to make changes according to your competition, but this is part of business.

About the author:
Paul Jesse is a retired government employee and author of numerous home business articles. It you are interested in starting a Internet home business visit:. http://www.plug-inprofitsite.com

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The Perfect Home Business For Moms!

The important role that women play as a wife and mother at home can not be overemphasized. They organize home life to ensure things run smoothly. From cleaning the home, making the meals, taking care of the children, and running a host of other important errands and tasks. For a wife and mother who works outside the home these tasks can take on the organization skills of Super Woman. And, while some women are content to take on the daunting challenges of career woman, wife and mother, others would prefer to work at home.

Looking for a work at home business can be a task in itself. We often need to search through several opportunities before we settle on one that has possibilities and appeals to us. One Work at Home Business that has worked out very well for me is eBay. eBay recently reported $14.87 billion in annual merchandise sales with over 100 million members. 400,000 of these are making their living from eBay. Why? Because a Work at Home Business using eBay is so easy to operate and maintain.

Since technology has become much simpler over recent years, learning curves have become less severe than they once were This has made operating a computer easier than ever. With this, people have been flocking to the Internet and eBay to create a Business of their own. The main draw of working online is that you can Work at Home. No long commutes to work. No 9 to 5 either, your hours can be flexible so you can still enjoy time with your family.

eBay lends it self perfectly as a Work At Home Business. There are no special skills required other than the confidence that you can be successful with an online business regardless of your business, computer or Internet experience and skills. What skills? you ask. Well, just very basic skills. The ability to surf the web, read and send emails, create auction pages (webpages) and upload them. And most importantly and ability to learn and the want to succeed.

The easiest way to start your Online Auction Business would be to use Dropshippers. The great thing about Dropshipping, as outlined in my book "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak", is that it will allow you to operate a Home Based Business as an Internet Marketer with out ever worrying about storage of inventory, packaging of inventory, or even shipping of that inventory. The Dropship supplier will look after all of that for you. And even greater still is the fact that your auction business will cost you very little to get started The fact is, most Dropshippers charge you nothing to become a member to sell their products. While others may charge just a nominal administration fee. Plus, you can list your item on eBay for approximately .35 cents. So, as you can see your eBay Auction Business will cost you very little to get started. With such a low financial risk the only thing you have to lose is a bit of your time.

How does one put together eBay and Dropshipping? It's really very simple. First, browse eBay to see what kind of product(s) you would like to sell. Then sign up as a member with eBay. Once you have decided on a product(s),locate a Dropshipper for that product(s). Sign up with that Dropshipper and then place an auction on eBay for the item.. Once your auction is over and you have a buyer for the product email your Dropshipper the required information. The Dropshipper will ship the product directly to your customer as though it came from you. Then the Dropshipper will charge your account the wholesale price for that product. The difference between the wholesale price and your retail price is pure profit!

To run a successful eBay Business you will need to sell what the public wants to buy. Always research any product before you decide to sell it. Make sure it is popular and you can get it at a great price. If you have something worth selling, you are bound to find someone on eBay who wants to buy it..

Happy Selling!
Joe Clare

About the author:
Joe Clare is an active Netpreneur and eBayer! He is the author of numerous articles on how to make money online and be successful on eBay! Check out his latest Best Selling eBook "eBay Marketing Wholesale SourcePak" Your Passport to Success! at http://www.ebooksnsoftware.com

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An Online Home Based Business Is Not Rocket Science

A few years ago when I first started my online home business I didn't have a clue regarding how to go about it. I had never done any Internet marketing, and didn't know anything about websites or search engines or any of that other online business stuff...in short, I was a complete rookie. In retrospect, the two major things that really helped me was that I refused to be intimidated and I kept a realistic perspective (both in terms of initial financial results and the time frame necessary to become successful).

I know from my own years of experience that relatively few business ventures are started on the Internet by people with the experience, motivation, determination, backing, and support that it takes to even have a reasonable chance of success.

Real online business people are those who work hard, who immerse themselves deeply in marketing and advertising, and who put in long hours in the beginning in order to see their Internet-based businesses succeed.

Achieving success in an online business is not difficult to comprehend. There is indeed a learning curve, but it's not brain surgery. The process of learning isn't as much the issue as are the personal traits of motivation and determination.

Develop your marketing plan and execute it. There's no magic in this online home based business stuff. We're talking real world here. It's not nearly as romantic as winning the lottery, yet many of the thousands of people I have helped to start up their home businesses on the Internet clearly came in with what I have come to refer to as the "magic/lottery" mentality. Many of those folks went off to chase another rainbow after a few months, but some of them also came to their senses and buckled down to develop very successful home based businesses.

Run, don't walk, away from all of those people that offer you "shortcuts" or "success secrets" (probably in exchange for some of your money). I mean, if they had it all figured out, why would they sell this "magic answer" to you for a few bucks instead of just keeping it private and then making tons of money for themselves? (I'll leave it to you to connect the dots)

A key point to always keep in mind is that...business is business. Regardless of whether you are on the Internet or operating a business in a shopping mall. The same fundamental principles apply to both businesses.

1) You need to have a product, or products, to sell.

2) You need to advertise to get customers to buy your

3) You need to provide support to your customers who buy
your products as a result of your advertising efforts.

4) You need to build a loyal customer following, so you can
maintain a profitable business over a period of time.

Many people fall into the trap of believing that because they are doing business on the Internet, some of these steps can either be skipped or they need to overemphasize one area or another.

The bottom line regarding an online business is that you will need to advertise and you will need to take care of your customers.

Run your online home business just like a real company because it is, in fact, a real business and you have a real opportunity to either be successful or to fail. The primary difference between an online business and a traditional business is location (no traditional "storefront"). Nearly everything else is essentially the same. You have products and your objective is to sell those products to people who want/need your products.

Remember, building a business takes time, determination, and patience. Far too many people seem to think that the traffic is just going to pour in once they have put up their own website on the Internet. As anyone who has had a website for a while knows...this simply is not true, but it is often the reason people get frustrated and quit. The fact of the matter is that you need to diligently promote/advertise your website in order for your online home based business to flourish and prosper.

One of the most important bits of advice that I can pass on to you is that you must be patient. Most people start their online home business with great enthusiasm and high expectations. Often, after a few months, they become disappointed and frustrated because they are not already making a large amount of money.

These impatient home business entrepreneurs then often start to jump from one program to another every few months (never allowing themselves enough time to succeed at any of them) and, finally, throw up their hands in frustration and declare that they just can’t make money online.

Stick with your business and don’t give up. Dogged persistence (much like the tenacity of a pit bull) is an absolutely vital key to your eventual success. Don’t give up when things become frustrating and you are not achieving the immediate success you expected. Give your online home based business sufficient time to develop and you realize the success you are seeking.

There is nothing magical about running an online home based business. It should be run the same as any traditional "bricks and mortar" business and it will succeed or fail depending on the time and effort you put into it.

There are many very ordinary people working at home and making a very good living on the Internet, will you be the next one?

About the author:
Kirk Bannerman operates his own successful home based business and also coaches others seeking to start their own home based business. For more information visit his website at http://www.home-based-business-team.com

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